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BlueUp SafeX 0060


3rd party hardware from BlueUp. See SafeX BLE for hardware details. It has user replaceable CR2477 coin cell battery. Will last up to 3 years on a single battery with default settings in unconnected mode. Delivered with Meshtech firmware to work seamlessly and integrate fully in a Meshtech system. It has a push button for input and vibrate/LED/sound indication to provide feedback.

The Bluetooth chipset is nRF52832 from Nordic Semiconductor.

  • Firmware Model Number: 0x0060 (96)
  • DFU Type: BLE SMP

Normal operation procedure

Similar to all Meshtech trackers the BlueUp SafeX 0060 is delivered in storage mode. This is to conserve power and avoid BLE advertising during transport. Normal operation device-mode for this device is unconnected. Pressing button for 1s will make device discoverable by advertising BLE storage mode advertisements, and device can be switched to unconnected mode by command via system/gateway. If no command to switch device mode is received while being in this state, device will go back to sleep and stop advertisements. To simplify provisioning to unconnected mode, pressing button for more than 5 seconds while in storage mode will automatically switch it to unconnected mode, and no command to switch mode is necessary from the system. When activating by long press, device will indicate that long press (5s+) has been received by lighting both orange and red LED.

In unconnected mode device will advertise tracking and status updates. Alarm is activated by pressing button until device vibrate and blink orange LED 3 times. Orange LED will continue to blink periodically as long as alarm is active. Alarm state can be confirmed/cleared from system.

Supported Device Modes

  • Storage
  • Unconnected

Service Mode

Service Mode can be used to perform DFU upgrades and/or factory reset of a device when provisioning information (i.e. network key) is unknown/lost. To enter Service Mode, button need to be pressed while powering on device; in this device's case - while inserting the battery. Device being in Service Mode is indicated by LED blinking rapidly. Device is discoverable by "SM" device name while in Service Mode. It runs BLE SMP and can be connected to and upgraded. To perform factory reset, press button continuously for more than 5 seconds while device is in Service Mode. LED will light constant while button is held, and should be held until LED turn off (5s) to perform factory reset. If no connection is established or no factory reset command is received, device will reboot and start in previous mode after 2 minute timeout. Timeout is extended while BLE connection is established and for additional 2 minutes after disconnect.


Property Reported Default Value
0x8000 - Model Number Yes 0x0060 (96)
0x8001 - Firmware Version Yes -
0x8002 - Hardware Version Yes -
0x8003 - MAC Address No -
0x8005 - Production Info Extended No -
0x8007 - Variant Yes 0x00
0x8008 - Public Key No -
0x8020 - Power Source Yes 0x02 (2)
0x8100 - Battery Level Yes -
0x8101 - Uptime No 0x00000000
0x8110 - Device Mode Yes 0x03 (storage)
0x8120 - Firmware Update State Yes 0xFF (255)
0x8121 - Start Firmware Update - -
0x8122 - Firmware Update Control - -
0x8200 - Accelerometer Configuration Yes 0xC340000A012005
0x8204 - Motion to Not In Motion Timeout Yes 60 sec
0x8264 - Vibration Notification Yes 0x01 (true)
0x8265 - Sound Notification Yes 0x00 (false)
0x8300 - Soft Reset - -
0x8301 - Factory Reset - -
0x8302 - Request Property Reporting - -
0x8810 - Motion Yes -
0x9021 - Offer Collection Period Yes 0x000A0064 (10, 100)
0x9800 - Alarm State / SOS Yes 0x00 (0)
0x9801 - Priority Yes 0x00 (0)
0x9802 - TX Power Yes 0xF4 (tx power -12)
0x9803 - Long Button Press Timeout Yes 0x02BC (700 ms)
0x9804 - Status and Tracking Interval in Normal Mode Yes 0x03E801 (1000ms, 1 Denominator)
0x9805 - Status and Tracking Interval in SOS/Alarm Mode Yes 0x00FA01 (250ms, 1 Denominator)
0x9806 - Status and Tracking Interval in Priority Mode Yes 0x01F401 (500 ms, 1 Denominator)
0x9807 - Status and Tracking Interval in Sleep Mode Yes 0x0BB805 (3000 ms, 5 Denominator)
0x9808 - Inactive to Sleep Delay Yes 60 seconds
0x9810 - Whitelist Key Yes 0x000000000000
0x9821 - Unread Text Message Yes Always 0x00 (0)


Event Version
0x8113 - Watchdog Reset Event

Current consumption

Average current consumption measurements done in some typical different device states. This is to illustrate that different advertisement intervals and SOS/Alarm active will impact battery lifetime significantly.

Device state Advertisement interval Avg. power consumption µA estimated years max
Storage sleep NA 0.9
Normal 1000ms 36 3.1
Normal sleep 3000ms 23 4.9
Alarm 250ms + LED 237 0.48
Priority 500ms 55 2.07

