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0x8300 - Soft Reset

Type: void

Name: soft-reset (1)

0x8301 - Factory Reset

Type: void

Name: factory-reset (1)

0x8302 - Request Property Reporting

Type: void

Name: request-property-reporting (1)

Upon receiving this command, a device will start reporting all its reportable properties. If a device receives this command while a reporting operation is in progress, it will report a busy error response.

0x8303 - Start Upstream Throughput Test

Name: start-upstream-throughput-test (5)

Offset Type Default JSON Description
0 u16 packets Number of Packets (n)
2 u16 interval Interval (in ms)
4 u8 burst Burst size
5 u8 priority Priority. Allowed range: [0, 4]. Default priority is 2.
6 u8 20 msgSize (v10+) Message Size (optional)

JSON Example:

  "packets": 1000,
  "interval": 250,
  "burst": 3,
  "priority": 2

Upon receiving this command, the device will send n throughput test packets upstream (to the gateway) at the specified interval and priority. Burst size is the number of packets sent back-to-back each interval. Burst size must be greater than 0 and the maximum burst size is device dependent. The gateway will increment 0x8305 - Throughput Test Packet Counter for every test-packet received.

To stop an ongoing throughput test, set n to 0. Starting a new throughput test (n > 0) while there is an ongoing test will fail.


Not all firmware versions support Message Size. In order to use Messages Size greater than 20, make sure all devices support larger messages sizes.

0x8304 - Start Downstream Throughput Test

Name: start-downstream-throughput-test (5)

Offset Type Default JSON Description
0 u16 packets Number of Packets (n)
2 u16 interval Interval (in ms)
4 u8 burst Burst size
5 u8 priority Priority. Allowed range: [0, 4]. Default priority is 2.
6 mac-address target Target Device. Set to 0 to broadcast to all devices.
12 u8 20 msgSize (v10+) Message Size (optional)

JSON Example:

  "packets": 1000,
  "interval": 250,
  "burst": 3,
  "priority": 2,
  "target": "AABBCCDDEEFF"

Upon receiving this command, the gateway will send n throughput test packets downstream to the target device at the specified interval and priority. Burst size is the number of packets sent back-to-back each interval. Burst size must be greater than 0 and the maximum burst size is device dependent. The target device will increment 0x8305 - Throughput Test Packet Counter for every test-packet received.


Gateway versions prior to 6.1.0 does not support broadcasting, i.e. target = 0.


Not all firmware versions support Message Size. In order to use Messages Size greater than 20, make sure all devices in the network support larger messages sizes.

0x8305 - Throughput Test Packet Counter

Type: u32

Name: throughput-test-packet-counter (5)

This counter will be incremented for each throughput test packet received.

0x8308 - Try Ethernet

Type: void

Name: try-ethernet (5)

Upon receiving this command, a gateway on LTE/3G will reboot and try to establish connection using Ethernet.

This command will only work when the gateway is not already connected using Ethernet.

0x8309 - Try LTE

Type: void

Name: try-lte (6)

Upon receiving this command, a gateway on Ethernet will reboot and try to establish connection using LTE.

This command will only work when the gateway is not already connected using LTE.

0x8310 - Reset Battery Status

Type: void

Name: reset-battery-status (1)

This is used to reset the battery relay configuration when replacing batteries in MT AirMesh 1011.

0x8320 - Destroy Network Below

Type: void

Name: destroy-network-below (1)

0x8321 - Destroy Network Below Child

Type: mac-address

Name: destroy-network-below-child (1)

Destroy network below and including child with provided MAC address.

0x8322 - Network Tree

Type: UTF-8 encoded JSON object. Object structure is described below.

Name: network-tree (8)

Current network tree structure. The format of the returned object is as follows:

  "version": [number],
  "networkTree": {root device object}

The devices are returned as a nested structure with the gateway as the root. Version is incremented if new properties and/or values are added to the device objects. All changes will be backwards compatible.

The device objects contain the following properties:

Property Type Version Optional Description
id string 1 No MAC Address. 6-byte uppercase hex string. "000000000000" if unknown.
type string 1 No Device Type. See table below.
children array 1 Yes Array of device objects. If there are no children, this property will be not present or null.
type Description
"unknown" Unknown
"extender" Extender
"node" Node
"gateway" Gateway
"temporary" Temporary


  "version": 1,
      "id": "E4EBC3F77F09",
      "type": "gateway",            
      "children": [
          "id": "DD19D3F413E7",
          "type": "extender",
          "children": [
              "id": "CFA724721A24",
              "type": "extender"
          "id": "000000000000",
          "type": "unknown"                           
          "id": "E0E70B2EC9BF",
          "type": "node"                 

0x8330 - Flush Property Cache

Type: void

Name: flush-property-cache (1)

Flush device property cache.

When property throttling is enabled in gateways, the data-consumer client(s) must issue a flush at start-up to sync up. This will cause all gateways to send the next property updates even though the values might not have changed.

When property throttling is enabled (using 0x8220 property), property updates are normally only sent when the gateway detects the value has changed.

0x8340 - Sleep

Type: u16

Name: sleep (1)

Go to sleep for a period of time. After the specified period, the device returns back to its previous mode of operation.

In sleep mode the device operates like in storage mode, but does not advertise.

The value is the sleep period in minutes. The values 0 and 65535 cannot be used.